Slika družine

Digital document retrieval / verification of the identity of received documents and physical transcripts

The "Digital document retrieval / verification of the identity of received documents and physical transcripts" service allows users to retrieve documents in digital form. It allows documents sent by digital dispatch or documents which have received a physical copy (printed copy) of the original electronic document in the proceedings at the institution to be collected at any time, on the basis of the identification marks printed on the document, to verify the identity of the physical copy and, if they wish, to collect the electronic original held by the institution. The service is also accessible directly via the QR code on the document, using the appropriate applications for reading QR codes on mobile devices. 

Access to source documents in electronic form

1. Access to the service Vpogled v dokumente preko spleta Digital document retrieval 


2. Enter the information about the document and the e-mail on which you wish to receive the message with the link to the document.


Vpišete podatke o dokumentu in elektronsko pošto, kamor želite dobiti sporočilo z povezavo na dokument.       


Copy the data from the document to the "DOCUMENT DATA" section.


Prepišete podatke iz dokumenta v razdelek »PODATKI O DOKUMENTU«.


After a successful submission, you will receive a message: You have successfully submitted the request.


3. You will receive a message at the entered e-mail address


a) The document exists in the IS of the Institute

Dokument obstaja v IS Zavoda

Click on the link and save the document. When you want to download a document a second time, the document is no longer available.

The document you downloaded differs from the printed one in that it does not have a printed QR code, additional document information, and information needed to control printing.


b) The document does not exist in the IS of the Institute

Dokument ne obstaja v IS Zavoda


4. You can download the documents only once by clicking on the link. If you click on the link a second time,… you get the message:


Dokumente, ki ste jih prevzeli lahko s klikom na povezavo prevzamete samo enkrat. V kolikor kliknete na povezavo drugič ,… dobite sporočilo:


The main elements of ZPIZ electronic documents

Glavni elementi ZPIZ elektronskih dokumentov


All documents created at ZPIZ have:

  • Legal clarification - the legal clarification clarifies that the printed document is in electronic form and can also be verified via the "View documents online" service.
  • Digital signatures - digital signatures of all document signatories.

The following elements are added to the documents to be printed upon shipment:

  • QR code - contains data for direct access to the service "View documents online"
  • Additional document information - information required to use the "View documents online" service


Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia, Kolodvorska 15, Ljubljana
General conditions of use Data protection
Created by: MMstudio